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A number of wood sorts can be exposed to outdoor weather conditions without the need for additional protection. We list these in sequence, namely cedar, douglas, and larch. Other wood sorts also acquire strong weather-resistance thanks to a prior treatment (e.g. in a steriliser or a thermal treatment). Anyone who wants to protect wood looks primarily to preserve the original colour. This can only be done through protection against UV rays.

Up to the present time, this has always been done by azures or saturators. Some wood sorts (e.g. douglas and larch) cannot be given durable protection with azures and some others (e.g. cedar) cannot be protected at all. Then again, saturators have the disadvantage that they have to be renewed regularly. Blanchon has solved these problems by the introduction of a new finish systems. Blanchon presents a colourless protective system against the effects of sunlight on wood. An important added value of this system is that the original colour of the wood is preserved. Whereas protection against UV light is traditionally related to the addition of dyes, this system is colourless. These systems form a new family of finishes: they can be used on all sorts of wood, they give the wood a long lifespan, and they are easy to maintain.

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  • Telephone number: +33 (0) 472890608